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The Evolution of Truss Manufacturing: Pioneering Excellence in the Pacific Northwest

The Evolution of Truss Manufacturing: Pioneering Excellence in the Pacific Northwest

At Oregon Truss, We Redefine the Standards of the Industry

From Pioneers to Industry Leaders

Founded in 1991 by Wayne Beebe, Oregon Truss has been a pioneering force in truss manufacturing in the Western USA. With over 30 years of experience, we have continuously pushed the boundaries of innovation, efficiency, and customer service. Our commitment to integrity and delivering value to our customers has been the cornerstone of our success.

Unparalleled Expertise and Customer Collaboration

At Oregon Truss, we understand that each project and customer is unique. Our experienced sales and design team work hand-in-hand with our customers and their design teams to provide them with top-quality wood trusses that meet their specific requirements.

Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We excel at finding out-of-the-box value engineering and design solutions that create wins for our customers. By fostering strong relationships and communication, we ensure that every project goes smoothly, and our customers’ budgets and schedules are met.

Serving the Pacific Northwest and Beyond

While our name may suggest Oregon as our primary focus, Oregon Truss is capable of delivering throughout the entire Pacific Northwest and even into the Mountain Region. From Salt Lake City in Utah to Boise in Idaho, and from Eastern Idaho to Seattle in Washington, our expansive service areas allow us to cater to builders and general contractors across the region.

Trusses for Every Building Type

We understand that different building types have unique truss requirements. Whether it’s single-family homes, multi-family projects, commercial buildings, or agricultural and equestrian structures, Oregon Truss has the expertise and capacity to deliver value-engineered wood trusses that meet your specific needs.

Continuing the Tradition of Excellence

At Oregon Truss, we’re not content with resting on our laurels. We continuously invest in technology and training to stay at the forefront of the industry. Our commitment to integrity, innovation, efficiency, customer service, and delivered value ensures that we continue to set new standards and exceed customer expectations.

Get in Touch with Oregon Truss Today

Are you ready to experience the Oregon Truss difference? Partnering with us means choosing top-quality trusses, exceptional customer service, and a team that truly understands your needs. Request a quote on our website or reach out to our headquarters in Dayton, Oregon to get started.

Stay tuned to our blog for more industry insights, updates, and valuable information. Oregon Truss is here to make your building experience better, one truss at a time.